Changes as of 10/30/91. New tools (cruftiness is high): - mess.c. This was given to me by Scott Silvey. It can dump any multiline message from stdin or a file specified on the command line to any recipient. Not sure if it's distributable. - pl3.c. This tool tweaks ships in the game to achieve Top Gun effects. Used in conjunction with the "topgun" shell script. Very ugly. - stat.c. A tool to show the status of wait queue every second. Strangely enough it's not possible to determine the exact queue size. Usually I go by ((wait == count) ? 0 : ans+1). - topgun. A shell script that takes the number of seconds of Top Gun desired as an argument. Automatically shuffles the .sysdef files around (note: you need to create a .sysdef.topgun in the lib directory): TOURN=9 SHIPS=SC,BB,DD,AS,CA,SB WEAPONS=PLASMA,TRACTOR PLKILLS=0 SBRANK=0 PLANETS=00,10,20,30 CONFIRM=0 HIDDEN=1 MAXLOAD=100.0 TOPGUN=1 - wander2.c, wander3.c. External tools to move planets. A version of wander2 was incorporated into my daemonII.c. - setgalaxy.c. General purpose galaxy changing tool. usage: setgalaxy l restore planet locations setgalaxy r standard reset of galaxy setgalaxy t tourney reset of galaxy - equal agris setgalaxy f flatten all planets to 1 army setgalaxy F top out all planets at 30 armies setgalaxy n : rename planet to Modified tools: - players.c. Has 3 modes instead of 2. players gives rank/name/login/display/total ratings/DI players r gives name/status*/type/bombing/planets/offense/defense players d gives name/type/kills/damage/shields/armies/fuel *status = A/O/D/E for alive/outfitting/dead/exploding, followed by the ghostbust count, in ticks (if it reaches 3600, six minutes of inactivity, the slot is freed). - watchmes.c. If given any argument, runs in filter mode -- this is good for logging tourney action. It will timestamp each message, and only display ones of a hardcoded "interest" level, as defined in struct.h: #define MGENO 0x100 /* order these by importance (0x100 - 0x400) */ #define MCONQ 0x110 #define MTAKE 0x120 #define MDEST 0x130 #define MKILLA 0x200 /* killed with armies */ #define MBOMB 0x210 #define MKILLP 0x220 /* killed by a planet */ #define MKILL 0x230 #define MLEAVE 0x300 #define MJOIN 0x310 #define MGHOST 0x320 #define MCOUP1 0x330 #define MCOUP2 0x340 - planets.c. Displays surrender clock for debugging. [ Bronco Netrek Release 2/20/92 ] Changes as of 4/13/92. Makefile struct.h - As was described in ntserv/CHANGES, if you use the FULL_HOSTNAMES compile option, you will have to recompile all of your tools with the flag on. xtkill.c - Documentation was missing. xtkill currently has the following usage: xtkill [0-9a-j] where is one of : e(ject from game) (simulates self-destruct) s(hip class change)[abcdosA] (A = ATT) t(eleport to quadrant)[frkoc] (c = center of galaxy) S(uper) (big shields/max damage/max etmp) T(eam change)[frko] (no team == independent) D(emote) (-1 to rank) P(romote) (+1 to rank) F(ree slot) (bypasses 6 minute ghostbuster timeout) k(ills increment) (+1 kill) h(arm) (no shields, 50% damage) a(rmies increment) (+6 armies) C(lock, surrender -- set it) (to 6 minutes (debugging aid)) L(oss adjust, SB (-1)) (in case you toast an SB accidentally) R(obot obliterate) (like obliterate, but only for robots) (no mode == obliterate) Xsg has most of these options and a better interface. But being able to free a slot is useful when conducting a tourney -- in conjunction with "players r" which displays the ghostbust counts, and sometimes it is not convenient to set up an xhosted shell for xsg. planets.c - Now displays core flags and planet (x,y) coordinates. scores.c - The line that makes scores ignores players who are inactive for too long was commented out (inadvertently) in the previous release. It has been put back in. setgalaxy.c - On tourney resets, agri counts are no longer printed to stdout. That was primarily for debugging. stat.c - Also shows status->tourn (generally not useful). watchmes.c - Hardcoded "interest" level was lowered to include bombing messages. Helped to profile player activity during a tourney more accurately (see earlier watchmes entry for more info). New tool: loadchecker.c - A background tool that reports CPU usage (0% to 99%) to ALL at regular intervals. Works across daemon restarts (note -- a small daemon mod is required; daemonII.c/freemem() should do a status->gameup = 0). Not of much general interest -- it requires that /usr/ucb/vmstat exist and that vmstat's output match a certain pattern. See source file for more details. Changes as of 7/24/92: New tool: mergescores.c - A tool that merges a foreign player database in the form of "scores A" output into a local server. Read README.mergescores before use. xtkill.c - Updated to reflect DD engine cooling rate (now 7, was 6). [ Final Bronco Netrek Release 8/1/92 ]