#!/bin/sh set -e # verify we have the netrek server in our shell path # you should source setpath before calling this, for example # host:~$ . /usr/local/games/netrek-server-vanilla/lib/tools/setpath getpath > /dev/null # reset galaxy setgalaxy r # make all planets visible to all teams for x in `seq 10 39`; do setplanet $x reveal; done # make most of the romulan planets owned by federation for x in `seq 10 18`; do setplanet $x owner fed; done # move hyd near ear and flatten to one army setplanet hyd y 80000 x 17000 armies 1 # move ori near ear and change ownership to rom setplanet Ori y 83000 x 20000 owner rom # teleport test player to ear, give kills, give armies xtkill 0 tf xtkill 0 k 3 xtkill 0 a # take the planet setplanet hyd be-taken-by 0 # allow time for conquer parade to finish sleep 60 # shut down the game setgame terminate