# Change CONFIG to the .mk file that matches your system CONFIG = system.mk srcdir = . # Do Not Change anything below this line. It should be setup in config include ../$(CONFIG) INSTALL = /usr/bin/install -c INSTALLPROG = ${INSTALL} INSTALLDATA = ${INSTALL} -m 644 # this is for revised ntserv/struct.h CFLAGS = $(EXTRAINCS) $(FLAGS) -I../include LIBS = $(EXTRALIBS) TOOLDIR = $(LIBDIR)/tools LINTFLAGS = -habxc $(EXTRAINCS) $(FLAGS) # Common Objects C_OBJS = roboshar.o ../ntserv/libnetrek.a # Sequencer Objects S_OBJS = sequencer.o commands_sequencer.o $(C_OBJS) ../ntserv/libnetrek.a SRCS = ${srcdir}/roboshar.c ${srcdir}/sequencer.c EXECS = sequencer all: $(PMAKE) $(EXECS) sequencer: $(PMAKE) $(S_OBJS) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) ${LDFLAGS} -o sequencer $(S_OBJS) $(LIBS) commands_sequencer.o: $(PMAKE) ${srcdir}/../ntserv/commands.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(DEP) -DSEQUENCER -c ${srcdir}/../ntserv/commands.c -o commands_sequencer.o install: $(EXECS) $(INSTALLPROG) $(INSTALLOPTS) sequencer $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/sequencer lint: $(SRCS) lint $(LINTFLAGS) -u $? touch lint depend:: ${CC} -M $(CFLAGS) $(SRCS) > .depend etags:: @etags $(SRCS) clean:: @rm -f *.o *.ln reallyclean:: clean @rm -f $(EXECS) *~ #*# .depends rmdependencies: rm -f .depend sinclude .depend # DO NOT DELETE