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~d u d    5 ~n8tRt$2- [^_]ÿ11ۉ=d 11҉508148 l | 4 11҉ p T8뜻 녿= k O 350 f$`,+UvUWVSu ti< < <,< tE1;}}2EE$+D$ËEt$$+t>G;}|;}tu[^_]Ë=0 ~t$E$DD$+F͋EF< t< t<,t< tdUExD$WD$$*u*<9Et]É<9Eu捶1捶UW1VSdE t$D$$f*u%2s%s->%3sPossible commands are:|%10s - %sClient: %sApproximate %s queue size: %dShow a user's client. Ex: 'CLIENT 0'Show client's ping (lag). Ex: 'PING 0'Show player's stats during t-mode. Ex: 'STATS 0'Show a player's login info. Ex: 'WHOIS 0'Show player's starbase stats. Ex: 'SBSTATS 0'Show time left on Genocide timer.Show how many people are on the queue.%s has voted to %s. %d player%s (of %d) %s voted.Sorry, you can only use %s every %1.1f minutesUnrecognized message flag in do_generic_vote() for %s %2s stats: %d planets and %d armies. %d wins/%d losses. %5.2f hours.Ratings: Pla: %5.2f Bom: %5.2f Off: %5.2f Def: %5.2f Ratio: %4.2fSession stats are only available during t-mode.%2s overall SB stats: %d wins/%d losses. %5.2f hours. Ratio: %5.2fKills/Hour: %5.2f (%5.2f total), Deaths/Hour: %4.2f (%4.2f total)%2s session SB stats: %d wins/%d losses. %5.2f hours. Ratio: %5.2f%c%c PING stats: Avg: %d ms, Stdv: %d ms, Loss: %0.1f%/%0.1f%% s->c/c->sNo PING stats available for %c%cThe %s have %d minutes left before they surrender.No one is considering surrender now. Go take some planets.There is no one on the %s queue.pB G@warning: (%d)%s warning: %s Nowherehelproboshar:messOne(): Messaging self (slot %i)! If you want help, send YOURSELF the message 'help'.-DT! @Calarm_setitimer: interval timer %d microseconds alarm_setitimer0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzthis should never get looked atScoutCruiserBattleshipAssaultSGalaxyAT&TSCDDCABBASSBGATRACTOR010203040506070809101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839INDFEDROMKLIORIEnsignLieutenantLt. Cmdr.CommanderCaptainFlt. Capt.CommodoreRear Adm.Admiralno zerotakingspace_controlsave_planetbase_ogghelp1help2escortingoggingcontrollingaswasbombdoing1doing2free_beerno_gascrippledpickuppopcarryingother1other2accstorpdamagephaserdamagephaserfuseplasmadamagetorpspeedtorpfusetorpturnsplasmaspeedplasmafuseplasmaturnsmaxspeedrepairmaxfueltorpcostplasmacostphasercostdetcostwarpcostcloakcostrechargeaccintdecintmaxshieldmaxdamagemaxegntempmaxwpntempegncoolratewpncoolratemaxarmieswidthheighttypemasstractstrtractrngmischullmaxwarpacceldecelengine coolphaser damagetorp speedtorp fuseweapon coolingtractor strtractor rangefire while cloakeddet own torps for damage %T%c->%O (%S) Carrying %a to %l%?%n>-1%{ @ %n%} %T%c->%O Help Ogg %p at %l %T%c->%O %?%n>4%{bomb %l @ %n%!bomb%} %T%c->%O Help Control at %L %T%c->%O Emergency at %L!!!! %T%c->%O Sync with --]> %g <[-- OGG ogg OGG base!! %T%c->%O Help me! %d%% dam, %s%% shd, %f%% fuel %a armies. %T%c->%O ESCORTING %g (%d%%D %s%%S %f%%F) %T%c->%O Ogging %h %T%c->%O Bombing %l @ %n %T%c->%O Controlling at %l %T%c->%O Anti-bombing %p near %b. %T%c->%O DON'T BOMB %l. Let me bomb it (%S) %T%c->%O (%i)%?%a>0%{ has %a arm%?%a=1%{y%!ies%}%} at %l. (%d%% dam, %s%% shd, %f%% fuel) %T%c->%O (%i)%?%a>0%{ has %a arm%?%a=1%{y%!ies%}%} at %l. (%d%% dam, %s%% shd, %f%% fuel) %T%c->%O %p is free beer %T%c->%O %p @ %l has no gas %T%c->%O %p @ %l crippled %T%c->%O %p++ @ %l %T%c->%O %l%?%n>-1%{ @ %n%}! %T%c->%O %?%S=SB%{Your Starbase is c%!C%}arrying %?%a>0%{%a%!NO%} arm%?%a=1%{y%!ies%}. %T%c->%O (%i)%?%a>0%{ has %a arm%?%a=1%{y%!ies%}%} at %l. (%d%%D, %s%%S, %f%%F) %T%c->%O Help(%S)! %s%% shd, %d%% dmg, %f%% fuel,%?%S=SB%{ %w%% wtmp,%!%}%E%{ ETEMP!%}%W%{ WTEMP!%} %a armies!n! @=%c%c%s (%s) %s->ALLGOD->ALL[DNS Mismatch] %s is %s=pmamIt's %d:%02d%s, time to die.%.16s (%2.2s) promoted to %s (%.16s@%.32s)%s %.16s is now %2.2s (%.16s@%s%.32s)%c%c has been targeted for termination.It's %d:%02d%s, time to die. Approximate queue size: %d.Couldn't place the bot successfully.BINDIRLIBDIRSYSCONFDIRLOCALSTATEDIRglobal%s/%sscoresplanets%s/daemonIIrobotIIlogfileplayersplayers.indexconquersysdefclue-bypassbannedgod.LOGERRORSreservedmesg.LOGfeaturesbasepnewbiepretmarspuckinlaccessnocountntservlogcambotcambot.pktPATH%s:%s:%s/tools:%s/afs/club.cc.cmu.edu/usr/chaos/bin/netrek//bin/afs/club.cc.cmu.edu/usr/chaos/bin/netrek//lib/afs/club.cc.cmu.edu/usr/chaos/bin/netrek//etc/afs/club.cc.cmu.edu/usr/chaos/bin/netrek//varsetpath: unable to set new PATH, insufficient space setpath: snprintf: output error setpath: snprintf: exceeded allocated buffer setpath: unable to allocate memory for new PATH setpath: the PATH environment variable has no value Hoser!Must be orbiting to bombThose aren't our men.Locking onto %sLocking onto %s (%c%c)enableddisabledOrionsKlingonsRomulansFederation %c%c->%-3ss!sdcbaog*You may not bomb 3rd and 4th space planets.You may not bomb out of T-mode.Bomb out of T-mode? Please verify your order to bomb.Must declare war first (no Pearl Harbor syndrome allowed here).Can't bomb your own armies. Have you been reading Catch-22 again?Comm Officer: We're not authorized to beam foreign troops on board!Must be orbiting or docked to beam up.You may not drop on enemy homeworlds in pre-T mode.Comm Officer: Starbase refuses permission to beam our troops over.You may not drop on 3rd and 4th space planets.Must be orbiting or docked to beam down.Sorry, can't repair with melted engines while moving.Locking onto %s (%c%c) (docking is %s)Weapon's Officer: Vessel is out of range of our tractor beam.Weapons's Officer: Cannot tractor while cloaked, sir!Tractor beams haven't been invented yet.Pausing ten seconds to re-program battle computers.%s (%c%c) declaring war on the %s%s (%c%c) declaring peace with the %sCentral Command refuses to accept a ship in this condition!You must beam your armies down before moving to your new shipYou are being transported to your new vessel .... Not constructed yet. %d minutes required for completionYour team's stuggling economy cannot support such an expenditure!You need a rank of %s or higher to command a starbase!Your side already has %d starbase%sYour team is not capable of defending such an expensive shipYour side already has a starbase!You need an offense of %2.2f or higher to command a starbase!You need a rank of %s or higher to command a galaxy class ship!You need an offense of %2.2f or higher to command a destroyer!You need a rank of %s or higher to command a destroyer!That ship hasn't been designed yet.Only one ship type is allowed, you get that one.You must orbit your home planet to apply for command reassignment!You must orbit your HOME planet to apply for command reassignment!You must dock YOUR starbase to apply for command reassignment!Can only refit to starbase on your home planet.Must orbit home planet or dock your starbase to apply for command reassignment!E@?>SCDDCABBASSBGATL                  ??@@@@APKEY=%dsetpkey: putenvPKEY--tellnetrek-daemonCouldn't start daemon!!!setupsem: semctlsetupsem: semget (IPC_CREAT)setupsem: semgetopensem: semgetremovesem: semctl (IPC_RMID)unlockedLOCKEDlock_show: semctllock_off (post): semop (+1)lock_on: semop (-1)lock_on_nowait: semop (-1)Error number: %d shared memoryWarning: Daemon not running! Daemon not running (err:%d) shmgetremovememdetachmemlock_show: lock=%d value=%d (%s) setupmem: Can't attach to memory, error %i setupmem: Can't open shared memory, error %i setupmem: Killing existing segmentfreeslot: Trying to free a PFREE slotGOD->%2sntserv: bogus pmessage call!!%-9s %sType %d Plasma%s (%c%c) is now a StarbaseUPG->%c%c Special Weapon: %s (%d left)Special Weapon: %sShip's %s decreased.You have lost the %s upgrade!Ship's %s increased.shieldsUpgrade abortedShip being overhauled...Special weapons are disabled.shield maxhull maxshields (temporarily)fuel capacityfuel collector efficiencymaximum warp speedacceleration ratedeceleration rateengine cooling rateweapon cooling ratephoton fusephoton speeddrone inventory%s (%d)You don't need to buy drones.mine inventoryYou don't need to buy mines.Inventory:%4d %s inf %sfire while cloaktractor/pressor strengthtractor/pressor rangedamage control efficiencyThis ship has no upgrades%4d (%6.2f) %s%s upgradeUndo upgrade flag removed.pseudoplasma inventoryplasma torp inventorynuke inventoryDirty bomb. Double yield.Normal effects.Nuke explodes in bomb bay!We can't nuke our own planet!We cannot drop a nuke yet!Launching %s (%d left)Firing %s (%d left)Firing %s%s: none leftUpgrade: 0=abort, 1=normal refit, 2=shields/hull, 3=engines 4=weapons, 5=special weapons, 6=one time, 7=miscPlease make an upgrade selectionWe have exhausted all of our special weapons, Captain.This ship is not equipped with special weapons.Special weapons have been disabled.Undo upgrade failed - you don't have that upgrade.You need %0.2f kills/rank credit to increase your ship's %s.You need %0.2f kills/rank credit to gain the %s upgrade.You have gained the %s upgrade!That would put you over the upgrade limit, try buying something less expensive.You are at the upgrade limit and cannot buy any more upgrades.Your shields (%ld percent normal) cannot be overcharged any more.You need %0.2f kills to increase your ship's %s.Shields/Hull: 0=abort, 1=perm shield, 2=temp shield, 3=perm hullEngines: 0=abort, 1=fuel, 2=rechg, 3=maxwarp, 4=acc, 5=dec, 6=coolWeapons: 0=abort, 1=phaser dmg, 2=torp speed, 3=torp fuse, 4=coolingSpecial: 0=abort, 1=plasmas, 2=nukes, 3=drones, 4=mines, 5=inventoryOne time: 0=abort, 1=fire while cloaked, 2=det own for damageMisc: 0=abort, 1=cloak, 2=tractor strength, 3=tractor range 4=repair rate, 5=current status 6=undo next upgradePlasmas: 0=abort, 1-5 = type 1-5, 9=pseudoplasmaNuclear: 0=abort, 1=small, 2=med, 3=big, 4=hugeThis ship has no special weaponsYou can already det own torps for damage.You can already fire while cloaked.Sorry, cloak upgrades have been disabled.Current upgrades (cost for next):Undo upgrade flag set - next upgrade purchased will be removed instead.Not enough cargo room for that size nuke!You hit a nuclear stockpile! Triple yield!Deadly gamma rays kill ten more armies!Beta rays kill an additional five armies!Radioactive fallout kills two additional armies.Nuclear fireball engulfs an additional army.Nuke landed in lightly populated area.The nuclear warhead failed to detonate.We can't nuke a friendly planet!Must be orbiting to drop nuke!We cannot launch while cloaked, captain!We cannot fire while our vessel is in repair mode.We don't have enough fuel to launch that!Our computers limit us to having 8 live torpedos at a time captain!We are out of plasma, for the moment, Captain!We don't have the proper upgrade to fire while cloaked, captain!We cannot fire while our vessel is undergoing repairs.Our fire control system limits us to 1 live torpedo at a time captain!Plasma torpedo launch tube has exceeded the maximum safe temperature!Plasmas haven't been invented yet.This ship is not equipped with any special weapons! A?? F)F6FCFQFdFlFyFFFFFF FFFG F FpG[GyGGGGGGGGGGHpGH9HWHpGpGHsIK`LMNQAR0TUIIJ;JqJJJ*KIpLLL1MhMMINN%OOPIQR_RRRSSSHIPSADMIN_PASSWORDAdmin passwordADMIN_EXECCLUEMessage based clue checkingCLUERANKHUNTERKILLERSend in periodic killer robotRESETGALAXYReset galaxy on daemon startCHECKMESGLOGALLLog all messages to fileLOGGODEVENTLOGDOOSHERCHECKSCUMIP_CHECK_DNSIP_CHECK_DNS_VERBOSEWHYMESSMAX_POPSHOWSYSDEFPLANET_MOVEWRAP_GALAXYWrap galactic bordersPINGPONG_PLASMAPlasma can bounce if phaseredMAX_CHAOS_BASESSAFE_IDLEShips that may be flownWeapons that may be usedPLKILLSDDRANKGARANKSBRANKSBPLANETSMinimum planets for StarbaseSBORBITCHAOSEnable CHAOS modeNODIAGCLASSICTOURNREPORT_USERSReport users on metaserversTOPGUNEnable TOPGUN modeNEWTURNHIDDENLOADCHECKCheck system load via uptimeMAXLOADCONFIRMUDPBIND_UDP_PORT_BASESURRSTARTPING_FREQPING_ILOSS_INTERVALPING_GHOSTBUSTPING_GHOSTBUST_INTERVALGHOSTBUST_TIMERTRANSWARP_ENABLEEnable transwarp to StarbaseTRANSWARP_SPEEDTRANSWARP_DELAYVECTORVector torps (unimplemented)START_ARMIESStarting planet army countERROR_LEVELBASEPRACTICENEWBIEMIN_NEWBIE_SLOTSMAX_NEWBIE_PLAYERSNEWBIE_BALANCE_HUMANSPRETPRET_GUESTPRET_PLANETSPRET_SAVE_GALAXYPRET_GALAXY_LIFETIMEPRET_SAVE_ARMIESROBOTHOSTRobot hostROBOT_DEBUG_TARGETROBOT_DEBUG_LEVELHOCKEYGALACTIC_SMOOTHINLINL_RECORDINL_DRAFT_STYLEDOGFIGHTCONTESTSIZENUMMATCHSAVE_DOG_STATMOTDMessage of the daySHIPShip characteristicsREALITYTime distortion constantFPSMAXUPSDEFUPSMINUPSRESTRICT_3RD_DROPNo 3rd space droppingRESTRICT_BOMBNo bombing out of t-modeNO_UNWARRING_BOMBINGNo 3rd space bombingOBSERVER_MUTINGOBSERVER_KEEPS_GAME_ALIVEVOTINGEnable votingBAN_VOTE_ENABLEEnable vote for temporary banBAN_VOTE_DURATIONLength of ban in secondsBAN_NOCONNECTEJECT_VOTE_ENABLEEnable vote for ejectionEJECT_VOTE_ONLY_IF_QUEUEEJECT_VOTE_VICIOUSDENY_DUPLICATESBLOGGINGSTURGEONSTURGEON_SPECIAL_WEAPONSSTURGEON_MAXUPGRADESSTURGEON_EXTRAKILLSSTURGEON_PLANETUPGRADESSTURGEON_LITESTARBASE_REBUILD_TIMEOFFENSE_RANKSERVER_ADVERTISE_ENABLESERVER_ADVERTISE_FILTERWHITELIST_INDIVWHITELIST_TEAMWHITELIST_ALLSCRIPT_TOURN_STARTSCRIPT_TOURN_ENDSB_MINIMAL_OFFENSEDD_MINIMAL_OFFENSELAME_REFITLAME_BASE_REFIT%f%s type %s unknown! %s %s %s%hi%i%liUnknown ship type (%s) Allow admins to execute shell commandsNo clue checking from this rank onCheck messages for configurationLog messages to GOD in a separate fileRecord warnings in log for post-game parsingInvent a message when armies die in flightCheck for multiple clients from same IP addressReverse/forward lookup on IP addressesMessage to ALL board on IP/DNS mismatchWhen a ship explodes, indicate whyMaximum army population on a planet outside T-ModeShow .sysdef contents on client on loginMove planets in orbits around primaryMaximum number of bases in CHAOS modeNumber of players per side for T-ModeAllow cloakers on homeworld to idle safely if no t-modeKills required before plasma granted on refitRank required to refit to a DestroyerRank required to refit to a Galaxy class shipRank required to refit to StarbaseAllow bases to orbit enemy planetsProhibit diagonal games (e.g. ROM vs ORI)Use classic tournament mask modeEnable revised turning circle rulesHide distant players in T-ModeClose game if system load exceedsStarting planets for each racePerform client program verificationUse UDP communications for speedUse specific UDP port range rather than randomNumber of planets at which surrender startsFrequency of ping packets to clientsIncremental packet loss sampling intervalGhostbust ships if we lose pings to clientInterval without pings before ghostbustTime to ghostbust a slot in secondsTranswarp equivalent warp speedTranswarp initiation delay after lock in millisecondsServer error log verbosity levelEnable base practice robot on startupEnable newbie server robot on startupMinimum number of total (human + robot) players to maintainMaximum number of human players to allow at onceKeep number of humans on each team balancedEnable pre T entertainment robot on startupUse guest logins instead of random loginsNumber of planets required to win a round of pre-t entertainmentSave t-mode galaxy on transition from t-mode to pre-t modeNumber of seconds the saved t-mode galaxy is eligible to be restoredSlot # to send newbie/pret debug output toLevel for verbosity of robot debug outputEnable Puck (hockey) robot on startupCause galactic to be updated at same rate as tacticalEnable INL (league) robot on startupRecord INL games server side with CamBotStyle of INL draft layout on tacticalEnable Mars (dogfight) robot on startupSize of dogfight practice contestNumber of dogfight practice matchesSave dogfight practice statisticsFrames per second (10 from 1986, 50 from 2007)Maximum client updates per secondDefault client updates per secondMinimum client updates per secondTurn off messaging for observersWhether an observer slot is counted for keeping game aliveDeny permanently banned players a slotOnly allow ejection if there is a queue of playersKill ntserv process to eject, causes some client problemsMaximum number of duplicate connections from a single IPSend IPs who exceed duplicates to the etc/deny folderEnable blogging of server eventsUse kills to buy ship upgradesAllow special type weapons like nukes, drones, and mines# of kills worth of upgrades that can be purchasedGet .15 kill credit per upgrade on ships that are killedGet free upgrades for taking planets in enemy spaceOnly lose most expensive upgrade on death.Rebuild time of starbase, in minutes.Enable offense requirements for rank (Commodore = 1.0, Rear Adm = 1.2, Admiral = 1.4)Enable the advertising of other servers with playersFilter to apply against server namesAllow whitelisted users to bypass :i ignores.Allow whitelisted users to bypass :t ignores.Allow whitelisted users to bypass :a ignores.Script to run when T-Mode startsScript to run when T-Mode endsMinimal offense required to refit to a SBMinimal offense required to refit to a DDAllow classical refits at < 75% damage.Allow classical base refits at < 75% damage.No starting planets specified for team %d No system defaults file! Using coded defaults.Internal error, unknown field type %d invalid field name in ship %s description `%s'(%d) c8c[coccchhhhii&iWe only have forward mounted cannons.We don't have enough fuel to fire photon torpedos while cloaked!We are unable to fire while in cloak, captain!We don't have enough fuel to fire photon torpedos!Torpedo launch tubes have exceeded maximum safe temperature!localhost me->p_flags & 0x80000bay_ownerbay.cфȄȄфڄڄ؈@@+L7BIPW^elszDraft captain, your turn to pick a player.Draft captain, the other captain has the pick, standby.The captains have agreed to hold a draft.%s has joined, and is ready to be draftedDraft stalled, no captain of other team.Selection #%d: %s (%s) drafts %s (%s).Draft error, pick by %s ignored because captain is not up.Draft error, %s has no captain.Draft selector, your captain has chosen you to pick.Draft selector, your captain has withdrawn your duty to pick.Captain %s slaps captain %s around with a dead trout._draft_style=%d _draft=%02d _pool=%02d _home_pick=%02d _away_pick=%02d %s C=%d D=%d O=%02d P=%02d X=%08d Y=%08d %s The draft has completed.AWAY%s passes this draft pick.UNKNOWN_OFF_MOVING_TO_POOL_CAPTAIN_UP_CAPTAIN_DOWN_POOLED_MOVING_TO_PICK_PICKED_PICKED_SELECTOR_MOVING_TO_HOME,1  N8Earth'`Rigela`Canopush<Beta Crucis XOrgania0u_DenebȯCeti Alpha V *$Altair@HkVega }!Alpha Centauri 2  N NRomulus ȯXEridani .Aldeberan  Regulus2ȯCapella`m@Tauri`mYDraconis@aSiriusaIndi@HqHydrae4 8 NKlingusp@Pliedes V `'Andromeda P8Lalandech$Praxish_|Lyrae@fScorpiiFXMiraHHXCygnixAchernar8 88Orion@dCassiopeia  El Nath!8Spica"Procyon#,Polaris$0[Arcturus%xc0oUrsae Majoris &pHkHerculis'S8 Antares  +6=IO[clw  "'&%   !#$GOD5:PU@\pi a`мg>0 j@FNYainqtwz}%ģǣʣͣУӣ֣٣ܣߣ333?IFRXKXXXO @?@@&A@@0pA@:A@BA@?MA@?W BA33?a <motd XXi tq oRb0cx123@4@epmlܨ5Ĥ6Ȥ@7Ϥ8֤fݤ=nXhv90F@ @#@E)6 A NXakw $(*,ť.ͥ0֥248<@D HL!P-R9TCVIXPZU\Z^c`dlqv~CȦԦ????@????@??@???@@?????????@?????? 3 @C lC( O?8d8 | <D8He8 o 8v8`87T8 `9`d97  7`L8X8\8,J d  Z,8` d0|h 0848 l `8 888t @8  x 6<8=PH8`X _t8i @p   `84    `8    8: `J Zx8a~, 0 @@8 .`C`TC^i|8@|888@8@  "H[*CeGgN$ZUg@\8n< @ 9 90949$B,Tm89{<9@9@D90H94@L98 <"P9 6T9`NX9\rh9 x9`l9p9@t9IN|9 9`&1IZڊgj+'ᅴU(\￝&†+ݓmV}bb48/' HPs9v c6W[^)Y8mc]K jMStZd;O߿V-޿Dioܿo_ۿsٿ):ؿΈ ׿ տ_LԿd;OҿZӼѿŏ1w-!Ͽn̿St$ȿ<,Ԛſ%䃞¿mV}bkw#Y޲b=DJ\kw \ H؈  -0,ooo,ʏڏ *:JZjzʐڐ *:JZjzʑڑ *:JZjzʒڒ *:JZjzʓړGCC: (GNU) 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13)GCC: (GNU) 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13)GCC: (GNU) 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13)GCC: (GNU) 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13)GCC: (GNU) 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13)GCC: (GNU) 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13)GCC: (GNU) 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13)GCC: (GNU) 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13)GCC: (GNU) 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13)GCC: (GNU) 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13)GCC: (GNU) 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13)GCC: (GNU) 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13)GCC: (GNU) 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13)GCC: (GNU) 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13)GCC: (GNU) 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13)GCC: (GNU) 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13)GCC: (GNU) 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13)GCC: (GNU) 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13)GCC: (GNU) 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13)GCC: (GNU) 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13)GCC: (GNU) 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13)GCC: (GNU) 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13)GCC: (GNU) 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13)GCC: (GNU) 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13)GCC: (GNU) 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13)GCC: (GNU) 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13)GCC: (GNU) 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13)GCC: (GNU) 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13)", \ " <[lPO?'  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