$Id: README.US,v 1.1 2005/03/21 05:23:44 jerub Exp $ Additional comments for U.S. RES-RSA users. -- The export of cryptographic software is regulated by the Bureau of Export Administration (BXA). RES-RSA source code is posted to the Internet via FTP and SourceForge (http://sourceforge.net) under the export license exception clause. There is a prohibition on direct and knowing transfers to countries that the U.S. has under sanction (Iran, Cuba, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Sudan, North Korea). You may not send this code directly to these places via e-mail or other modes of transfer without a license from the BXA. Fortunately, posting RES-RSA on the Internet does not establish knowledge of such direct and unlawful export even if someone from the sanctioned countries happens to download the source code. However, IF YOU WISH TO EXPORT THIS SOFTWARE THROUGH DIRECT MEANS TO ANY COUNTRY, YOU SHOULD VERIFY THE LEGALITY BEFORE PROCEEDING. Dave Ahn