The Netrek Metaservers are a group of systems behind the alias, which list current games available. Netrek clients contact the metaservers during startup. Games can occur without being listed on a metaserver, the metaserver only helps players find games. You may wish to list your server on the metaservers. This is technically simple, but may have political implications, and if done wrongly may cause unnnecessary reaction. Communicate your intention with other server owners, through the mailing lists, or the IRC channel, or the netrek infrastructure team. -- Date: Wed, 15 April 1998 09:06:09 +0000 (edited by many since) From: James Cameron Subject: Metaservers File Format This is the documentation for how to have a new server solicit the metaserver for players. It works like this; - you set up an etc/metaservers file with the addresses of the metaservers that should be kept informed, - when new players arrive on your server, a packet is sent to the metaservers informing them of the current player count, - periodically, the metaservers are told about current status. The format of the file is a series of space delimited fields interpreted using fscanf(). Very primitive. The code looks for the file in the configuration directory SYSCONFDIR, which by default is etc/. The file name is metaservers. The order and format of the fields is described in ntserv/solicit.c /* data items derived from metaservers file */ char host[32]; /* address of metaserver (DNS) */ int port; /* port of metaserver */ int minimum; /* minimum update time */ int maximum; /* maximum update time */ char ours[32]; /* DNS address of server */ char type[2]; /* server type code (B/P/C/H/?) */ int pport; /* server main player port (e.g. 2592) */ int oport; /* server observer player port */ char comment[32]; /* comment string */ The first address should be a numeric IP address in order to avoid DNS lookup delay on every new player or solicitation update. Or place a host name in your /etc/hosts file that corresponds to the metaservers. Here is the sample_metaservers file ... 3521 60 120 B 2592 2593 open Replace "" with the DNS host name that you want the metaservers to list the server under. If you have a name within the domain, use that. If the metaserver already lists your server; use the name that the metaserver has for you. This will cause the metaservers to be updated with game status information every minute, subject to the limits in the code. Beware: informing the metaserver more frequently than the limits define will cause your server to be delisted from the metaserver automatically. This is handled by program code at the metaserver. To remove your server from metaserver listing, delete or rename the metaservers file. After a while, the metaserver will remove the entry. To force a delisting sooner, see the tools/delist program. -- James Cameron ( Digital Equipment Corporation (Australia) Pty. Ltd. A.C.N. 000 446 800 -- INL Metaservers HOWTO by James Cameron from work by "E. Hietbrink" on 7th June 2004 a) list your server twice each time, with "home." and "away." in front of the host name (these names need not be registered, as the server will strip the name before sending the host name to the metaserver, see ntserv/solicit.c for the check), b) set the server type to I, c) list the appropriate ports. For example; 3521 60 120 I 4566 4000 open 3521 60 120 I 4577 5000 open 3521 60 120 I 4566 4000 open 3521 60 120 I 4577 5000 open