The update daemon provides a quick and easy manner for server admins to keep an up to date listing of the RSA .reserved file. This is the first release of the daemon and I'm sure there are a few things that could be improved but I have been running it for a couple of weeks without any trouble. The daemon does a number of things for you. The scenario is as follows: 1. daemon wakes up once a day. 2. It then calls the metaserver port 3530 which is the keycomp listing of the keys. 3. It gets the list and then forks and execs rsa_keycomp with the -c option to make the new .reserved and report on any new keys produced. Note: You can still use the exclude files and such described in the keycomp README. The output for the daemon/rsa_keycomp will be appended to what you made ERROR_FILE in defs.h in ntserv. 4. It now starts making a new motd. It will grab the motd_logo.MASTER, append the key list, and then the other info on the end (motd_local.MASTER). Then it will make a new best players list and put this on the end. Note: The files motd_logo.MASTER, and motd_local.MASTER are converted from ascii to 6x10 font which has more characters. Look at README.motd for a description of these. 5. Goes back to sleep. -Nick