INL Draft Mode by James Cameron, Rich Hansen, and Karthik Arumugham, 2007-09. For use during an INL mode pregame, to enable the captains to select players from those who are connected. Usage a. captains enter a command to start a draft, both must agree, b. ships are transwarped to the galaxy centre, positioned in a line which we call the "pool", c. while moving, ships cannot change direction or speed, but they can fire weaponry and raise shields, but the weaponry is harmless, d. while stationary, ships can change direction, but not speed, and can raise or lower shields, and use harmless weaponry ... so that body language may continue, e. the two captains are transwarped out of the pool and stand side by side, f. the captains alternate in using "lock" or "tractor" to pick players from the pool, the ships change to the captains team, and move next to the captain in an area called the "pick", g. a captain can pass on his round using a "lock" on the other captain, h. a captain can choose a selector from his already picked ships, the selector moves into a new position, and is allowed to make picks in the same way the captain may ... any number of selectors can be chosen, and both the captain and the selector may make each pick, i. the draft is finished when the pool is empty, and the ordinary pre-game resumes ... with the ships moved to home planet, j. player ranks are set in descending order by pick position, if it is an INL pregame, Data Structures status->gameup has a bit GU_INL_DRAFTING that is set when draft begins, enabling an alternate code path for animation control, status->gameup has a bit GU_INL_DRAFTED that is set when a draft ends, changing the way promotions are done, player->p_inl_draft defines the current animation state of a player, player->p_inl_x, y, defines the location the player is being constrained toward, player->p_inl_{pick,pool}, defines position ordering. Source Code robots/inlcmds.c initiates a draft. ntserv/draft.c handles the daemon animation of a draft, and actions. Test Tools tools/setgame.c may initiate a draft using "inl-draft-on". tools/setship.c may monitor p_inl_* variables for a slot. tools/setship.c may set p_inl_draft for testing.