Compile all with -DSHORT_PACKETS. That's all. Bye Heiko Wengler PS: This is a beta release. 2 things are missing. PLAYER, WARNING,TORP and message is working... Test it out. Happy Easter Break! CHANGES: 13.04.93: packets.h changed comment on SP_S_PLANET, SHORTVERSION and comment to SP_S_PLAYER ntserv/socket.c removed torpcount variable changed sendVPlayers(), to get 6 bits for packet count. changed sendClientPacket(): Logs only packets if server sends in short mode. changed updateMessages(): moved the SHORT_PACKETS code before the "strncpy(msg.mesg, cur->m_data, 80); ". Now the string is only copied one time. Removed old 'new' torp routine. client/socket.c changed doRead(): extended SP_S_PLAYER handleVPlayer(): same here. client/redraw.c removed SHORT_PACKETS Code ( not necessary) 16.04.93: ntserv/socket.c rewrote updateMessages. ( Was really to clumsy.) LOGPACKETS logs size only if in SHORT mode. updateforce changed: plasmatorps are now handled like normal torpinfo. [ Sidenote about my implementation: I think i have some good ideas, but the overall implementation is not really shining. My programming skills are not so good....] client/socket.c changed the code a bit .look at the diffs. I removed the address Header of Server messages. Hope it works... I have some suggestions/questions: 1.) I think updateAll is to big. ( now 600-700 bytes) Two solutions: a) Make a new updateSmall (:-) in which only Planets/Plasmas and Torps are updated. ( I need updateAll because of the planetinfo.) b) Send only data from 'living' Players. This could save 100-200 bytes.) I wanna encode most daemonII.c messages like SP_S_WARNING. to make that i want to enhance struct message { int m_no; int m_flags; int m_time; int m_recpt; char m_data[80]; }; with struct message { int m_no; int m_flags; int m_time; int m_recpt; char m_data[80]; data[8]; /* Here is the data to encode in SP_S_WARNING */ }; What do you think of that idea? ( It's simple and should work, but i don't had the time to implement it. ) Have you an better idea? Bye Heiko Wengler 19.04.93 Implemented on both sides that if player dets his own torps only one CP_DET_MINE Packet is send . Server dets all torps by himself. 20.04.93 Removed some bugs. 22.04.93: added phasers to 'auto clear' in updateAll. added new updateAll ( with '-'). Need key for second new updateAll. 23.04.93 cleaned up the code, updateSmall ('-') is working. changed newplanet Routine to Berkley style redraw. Can someone implement a second key for UpdateSmall+? ( Do not know which key to choose.) And a different menu for the short code. ( Because ',' is for the pingwindow. And i think the SHORT switch should go into the UPD Menu. I need only the ON/off switch and threshold. Next week i have a testserver on Then you can test it . The best to test the new system would be a inl server. Then you can do a limited release of the client and play some scrimmages with the new code. Where can i find the latest *stable* INL sources? Bye Heiko Wengler 28.04.93 implemented the TFREE idea. Heiko Wengler 29.04.93 removed a TFREE bug. (introduced by simply copying source code without changing one line of code.) H.W. 3.05.93 patched in new Mesageflags into client. ( server NOT). Daemon Messages done. 12.05.93 Hope all is working. Changed packets.h to INL ordering. Added vari Warnings. ( with s_warning()). Heiko Wengler 17.05.93 changed updateVPlayers ( added galactic map clipping) changed updateMessages. ( All messages are sent with SP_S_MESSAGE ) changed parsequery ( hope it works) client: changed handleVPLayers: a) if playernumber to high continue. added clipping of galactic Map 18.05.93 Ratings are now working. IMPORTANT: I changed the SP_S_MESSAGE. You cannot use the old packets.h file. Hope it all works... Heiko Wengler 19.05.93 Next time you get an implementation overview. HW 21.05.93 Cleaned the tools up. Added in every pmessage() function an DINVALID flag. Implemented threshold idea. compile in with -DSHORT_THRESHOLD. Not defined because server is sluggy with that function. Don't know why. The only added strain is a test if a variable is set. Changed updateVPlayers. If i send a playerpacket with galactic coordinates i include the direction now. That should be the last patch. ( Only thing i must find out is why the threshold testing slows the server so much.) Documentation next time. HW 9.06.93 Client/server fix from Tedd Hadley (Torps.) 26.06.93 SP_S_YOU_SS is now sent with UDP. ( Hadley.) 26.06.93 SP_S_YOU_SS is now sent with UDP. ( Hadley.) 26.06.93 SP_S_YOU_SS is now sent with UDP. ( Hadley.) 26.06.93 SP_S_YOU_SS is now sent with UDP. ( Hadley.) 26.06.93 SP_S_YOU_SS is now sent with UDP. ( Hadley.) 9.06.93 Client/server fix from Tedd Hadley (Torps.) 30.08.93 FAT UDP is now working with S_P. Heiko Wengler