Common messages and what to do: I get "server not listening" from the client 1. Check to make sure you have newstartd running. If it is then make sure you have the right port. The port is defined in the .mk file as PORT. I get "SERVER IS CLOSED" when I log in. 1. Make sure you have a .time file in your LIBDIR. If you do then check the parameters in it. I get a connection but then get ghostbusted before a window shows up. 1. Your newstartd saw your client but then couldn't run ntserv correctly. Make sure that you have your ntserv binary in the LIBDIR. I get into the server and select a ship but then I can't move 1. Make sure that the ntserv is running. If it isn't then it died for some reason. 2. If it is still alive then your daemon has died. If you fire torps and the torp counter goes up but you don't see anything then this is the problem. Hint: If you're on a SYSV based machine make sure that you have defined -DSYSV in your .mk file. Advanced debugging: To use this you will probably want to have some familiarity with gdb or some other debugger. There are a few steps needed to setup the server for use with the debugger: 1. Recompile everything with -g -O under gcc. This will make the server optimized but still have debugging information in it. 2. When you believe there is something wrong with a ntserv then you can kill it and make a core file with: kill -SIGILL 3. The core files will be placed in the directory where you started the newstartd. Most probably the LIBDIR. 4. Start gdb in the directory mentioned in 3 with: gdb --directory= /ntserv core 5. Start using gdb in the normal way. Hints: useful commands are: bt - show stack print - show value of a variable