What you need to do in addition to INSTALL to get RSA working. Thanks to recent changes in US export regulations, this process is now a lot easier. If you have previous versions of US/Euro RES-RSA, please upgrade now. June 27, 2000 Summary ------- 0) install gmp from http://www.gnu.org/ [optional] 1) fetch the res-rsa package, 2) untar in res-rsa directory within Vanilla, 3) follow INSTALL. Details ------- [The MP/GMP stuff is optional.] Obtain gmp and install it on your system. You will probably need the libmpbsd.a library, which is not built by default. To build it in gmp, type "make mpbsd/libmpbsd.a", then copy it to /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib. Red Hat Linux RPMs of gmp that contain this library are available from ftp://ftp.real-time.com/pub/real-time/RPMS/i386/gmp-2.0.2-6.i386.rpm ftp://ftp.real-time.com/pub/real-time/RPMS/i386/gmp-devel-2.0.2-6.i386.rpm Download the latest RES-RSA module from either: http://sourceforge.net/project/filelist.php?group_id=968 ftp://ftp.netrek.org/pub/netrek/rsa/ The latest version should be 2.9.2 or higher. Non-US users may download RES-RSA. All users must read README* and LICENSE* files bundled with RES-RSA before proceeding. Untar RES-RSA into the res-rsa/ directory within Vanilla. Be sure to copy or move the files appropriately. The procedure should be something like: % cd Vanilla/ % mv res-rsa res-rsa.old % gzip -cd res-rsa-2.9.2.tar.gz | tar xvf - % mv res-rsa-2.9.2 res-rsa Now execute configure as per INSTALL. After building and installing, make sure you run updated at least once, to get the keys from the metaserver, then set CONFIRM=1 in .sysdef and start newstartd.