(* Module |Merr|, autogenerated by |merrgen| Do not modify this file directly, as it is touched by |merrgen| every time the latter runs. Modify the |meta.err| file to change the error messages produced, or modify the |merrgen| sources themselves to change the glue code. *) let get_error = function | (1, 307) -> "Keyword \"var\" cannot appear before program's opening brace" | (1, _) -> "Unexpected tokens before program's opening brace" | (3, 259) -> "Struct definition has no tag" | (8, 259) -> "Braced blocks are not valid statements" | (8, 270) -> "Unary '+' operator does not exist" | (8, 306) -> "Struct definitions must precede braced program contents" | (8, 309) -> "Unmatched \"else\"" | (8, 312) | (8, 311) -> " Type should come last in variable declaration" | (8, _) -> "Expected variable declaration or executable statement" | (10, 307) -> "Extraneous \"var\" in struct field definition" | (10, 312) | (10, 311) -> " Type should come last in struct field definition" | (10, _) -> "Extraneous material in struct field definition" | (11, _) -> "Expected variable name in declaration" | (13, 259) -> "Braced blocks are not valid statements" | (13, 309) -> "Unmatched \"else\"" | (13, _) -> "Expected variable declaration or executable statement" | (14, _) -> "Invalid syntax in struct field definition" | (18, 265) -> "Variable declaration has no type" | (18, _) -> "Expected ':' in variable declaration" | (24, _) -> "Unary '-' operator expects an expression" | (25, _) -> "Unary '*' operator expects an expression" | (26, _) -> "Unary '&' operator expects an lvalue" | (27, 270) -> "Unary '+' operator does not exist" | (29, _) -> "Argument to \"size\" must be parenthesized" | (30, _) -> "Argument to \"offset\" must be parenthesized" | (31, _) -> "Argument to \"alloc\" must be parenthesized" | (32, _) -> "Condition in \"if\" statement requires parentheses" | (38, 259) -> "Braced blocks are not valid statements" | (38, 306) -> "Struct definitions must precede braced program contents" | (38, 307) -> "Variable declarations must precede executable code" | (38, 309) -> "Unmatched \"else\"" | (38, 312) | (38, 311) -> " Unexpected type name: invalid syntax in variable declaration?" | (38, _) -> "Expected statement" | (42, _) -> "Expected an operator or semicolon after expression" | (44, 306) -> "Extraneous keyword \"struct\" in field definition" | (46, 259) -> "Unexpected \"{\"; possible missing ';' after struct definition" | (46, _) -> "Possible missing ';' after struct definition" | (49, 272) -> "Misplaced \"*\" in variable declaration" | (49, 306) -> "Extraneous keyword \"struct\" in variable declaration" | (49, _) -> "Expected type name in variable declaration" | (56, _) -> "Argument to \"size\" must be an expression" | (57, _) -> "Argument to \"offset\" must be an expression" | (58, _) -> "First argument to \"alloc\" must be an expression" | (59, _) -> "Condition in 'if' statement must be an expression" | (61, _) -> "Extraneous material after program's closing brace" | (68, _) -> "Binary operator expected second operand" | (69, _) -> "Binary operator expected second operand" | (70, 270) -> "Unary '+' does not exist; did you mean '*+'?" | (70, 279) -> "Syntax error after '*'; did you mean '*=='?" | (70, 280) -> "Syntax error after '*'; did you mean '*!='?" | (70, _) -> "Binary operator expected second operand" | (71, _) -> "Binary operator expected second operand" | (72, _) -> "Binary operator expected second operand" | (73, 275) -> "Unexpected \"<\" following '<'; did you mean '<<'?" | (73, 276) -> "Unexpected \">\" following '<'; did you mean '!='?" | (73, 297) -> "Unexpected \"=\" following '<'; did you mean '<='?" | (73, _) -> "Binary operator expected second operand" | (74, 276) -> "Unexpected \">\" following '>'; did you mean '>>'?" | (74, 297) -> "Unexpected \"=\" following '>'; did you mean '>='?" | (74, _) -> "Binary operator expected second operand" | (75, _) -> "Binary operator expected second operand" | (76, _) -> "Binary operator expected second operand" | (77, _) -> "Binary operator expected second operand" | (78, _) -> "Binary operator expected second operand" | (79, _) -> "Binary operator expected second operand" | (80, _) -> "Binary operator expected second operand" | (81, _) -> "Binary operator expected second operand" | (82, 297) -> "Unexpected '=' after '&'; operator '&=' does not exist" | (82, _) -> "Binary operator expected second operand" | (83, 297) -> "Unexpected '=' after '|'; operator '|=' does not exist" | (83, _) -> "Binary operator expected second operand" | (84, 297) -> "Unexpected '=' after '^'; operator '^=' does not exist" | (84, _) -> "Binary operator expected second operand" | (85, 275) -> "Unexpected \"<\" following '<<'; operator '<<<' does not exist" | (85, 297) -> "Unexpected '=' after '<<'; operator '<<=' does not exist" | (85, _) -> "Binary operator expected second operand" | (86, 276) -> "Unexpected \">\" following '>>'; operator '>>>' does not exist" | (86, 297) -> "Unexpected '=' after '>>'; operator '>>=' does not exist" | (86, _) -> "Binary operator expected second operand" | (91, 270) -> "Unary '+' operator does not exist" | (91, 273) -> "Unary '/' does not exist; did you mean '/='?" | (91, 274) -> "Unary '%' does not exist; did you mean '%='?" | (91, 297) -> "Unexpected \"=\" following assignment; did you mean '=='?" | (91, _) -> "Expected an expression after assignment operator" | (92, _) -> "Expected an expression after assignment operator" | (93, _) -> "Expected an expression after assignment operator" | (94, _) -> "Expected an expression after assignment operator" | (95, _) -> "Expected an expression after assignment operator" | (96, _) -> "Expected an expression after assignment operator" | (100, 257) -> "Possible missing ';' between struct fields in definition" | (100, _) -> "Expected ';' or '}' following struct field definition" | (104, _) -> "Expected semicolon or '*' in variable declaration" | (108, 262) -> "Operator \"alloc\" expects two arguments" | (109, 297) -> "Unexpected '=' in 'if' condition; did you mean '=='?" | (109, _) -> "Expected an operator or ')' after 'if' condition" | (115, _) -> "Expected an operator or semicolon after expression" | (138, 297) | (138, 298) | (138, 299) | (138, 300) | (138, 301) | (138, 302) -> " Chained assignment operators are not allowed" | (138, _) -> "Expected an operator or semicolon after expression" | (139, _) -> "Expected an operator or semicolon after expression" | (140, _) -> "Expected an operator or semicolon after expression" | (141, _) -> "Expected an operator or semicolon after expression" | (142, _) -> "Expected an operator or semicolon after expression" | (143, _) -> "Expected an operator or semicolon after expression" | (148, _) -> "Second argument to \"alloc\" must be a type" | (149, _) -> "Expected statement" | (158, _) -> "Expected statement" | (_, 0) -> "syntax error: unexpected end of file" | (state, tok) -> (Printf.sprintf "Merr says: syntax error \ (state %d, input %d)" state tok) (* End of autogenerated file *)