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The base has been overrun by demons from Hell, and it's your job to clean up the mess!} 1.0} -type briefing -delete no -name {Scenario Background} -edit_name no -parent node20080928110431901648-data {text {Find the red keycard and exit through the red security door before I score six frags.} 1.0} -type goals -delete no -name {Scenario Goals} -edit_name no -parent node20080928110431901648-data {} -type area -delete yes -name {Area 0} -edit_name yes -parent node20080928110431901648-data {text {You drop into the base and find yourselves in a corridor leading north and south. To your south is the barracks; at the north end of the corridor is a glowing portal that you recognize as a teleporter. To the east is a security door marked "Restricted -- Scientific Personnel Only."} 1.0} -type flavor -delete no -name {Flavor Text} -edit_name no -parent node20080928123243304775-data {} -type area -delete yes -name {Area 1} -edit_name yes -parent node20080928110431901648-data {text {The barracks is mostly deserted now that the scientists have been evacuated. However, you can see a few human shapes moving in the dim light. Oh, horrors! They're } 1.0 mark anchor 1.163 mark insert 1.163 text {zombies! } 1.163} -type flavor -delete no -name {Flavor Text} -edit_name no -parent node20080928123245899387-data {} -type area -delete yes -name {Area 2} -edit_name yes -parent node20080928110431901648-data {text {This appears to be some kind of hyperdimensional supply closet. Oh, those wacky scientists!} 1.0} -type flavor -delete no -name {Flavor Text} -edit_name no -parent node20080928123245992159-data {} -type area -delete yes -name {Area 3} -edit_name yes -parent node20080928110431901648-data {text {This is the laboratory where the scientists have been working on a new projectile weapon, code-named "B.F.G." A prototype of the weapon rests on a pedestal in the center of the room. The south wall is lined with shelves of ammunition, but you don't see any ammo for the B.F.G. } 1.0 mark anchor 2.0 mark insert 2.0 text { } 2.0 text {You hear a low growling from the passage to the south, and some kind of demon dog bursts forth.} 3.0} -type flavor -delete no -name {Flavor Text} -edit_name no -parent node20080928125440899002-data {} -type area -delete yes -name {Area 4} -edit_name yes -parent node20080928110431901648-data {text {This area is empty save for a huge bloodstain on the floor and one very tired-looking zombie.} 1.0} -type flavor -delete no -name {Flavor Text} -edit_name no -parent node20080928125440829546-data {} -type area -delete yes -name {Area 5} -edit_name yes -parent node20080928110431901648-data {text {This hallway is crowded with monsters, producing a hellish stench. A retractable gate of some kind bars the way to the north, where you can see shelves of ammunition.} 1.0} -type flavor -delete no -name {Flavor Text} -edit_name no -parent node20080928125440605338-data {text {If the marines have already activated the event in Area 6, then do not place the blocking obstacle; instead, say "The retractable gate seems to have retracted." } 1.0} -type instructions -delete yes -name Instructions -edit_name no -parent node20080928125440605338-data {} -type area -delete yes -name {Area 6} -edit_name yes -parent node20080928110431901648-data {mark current 1.0 text {This large high-ceilinged room is bisected by a wall of heavy wooden crates. Some of the crates have smashed open, leaving puddles of glowing green ooze here and there. The ooze sizzles and smokes as it eats through the floor. You can hear something big moving on the other side of the wall. } 1.0 text { } 2.0 text {There is a gigantic Hell Knight in the room with you!} 3.0} -type flavor -delete no -name {Flavor Text} -edit_name no -parent node20080928125441519971-data {mark current 1.0 text {When a marine enters the south half of the room, or the wall is breached with a "Smash" card:} 1.0} -type trigger -delete yes -name Trigger -edit_name no -parent node20080928125441519971-data {text {A teleporter is set into the south wall. Next to the teleporter is a toggle switch labeled "Ammunition Closet." The switch is currently in the "off" position.} 1.0} -type flavor -delete yes -name {Flavor Text} -edit_name no -parent node20080928131612390863-data {text {When } 1.0 mark anchor 1.5 text {a marine steps on the green question mark:} 1.5} -type trigger -delete yes -name Trigger -edit_name no -parent node20080928125441519971-data {text {Remove the blocking obstacle in Area 5.} 1.0} -type instructions -delete yes -name Instructions -edit_name no -parent node20080928131132738065-data {text {You hear a grinding rattle somewhere to the north, but that's all.} 1.0} -type flavor -delete yes -name {Flavor Text} -edit_name no -parent node20080928131132738065-data {} -type area -delete yes -name {Area 7} -edit_name yes -parent node20080928110431901648-data {mark current 1.0 text {Finally! The red security door is straight ahead. Only one more monster to kill, and you'll be home free! But this one might be tougher than the others...} 1.0} -type flavor -delete no -name {Flavor Text} -edit_name no -parent node20080928125441437554-data {text {When a marine steps on the body for the first time:} 1.0} -type trigger -delete yes -name Trigger -edit_name no -parent node20080928125441437554-data {text {He's dead. What did you expect?} 1.0} -type flavor -delete yes -name {Flavor Text} -edit_name no -parent node20080928132320746666-data {text {When all of the marines have exited through the red security door:} 1.0} -type trigger -delete yes -name Trigger -edit_name no -parent node20080928125441437554-data {text {You race through the security door and into the pale Martian sunlight, where you are surprised to see your commander waiting with a full platoon of heavily armed Space Marines. } 1.0 text { } 2.0 text {"Thank goodness you men are all right," he says. "We were just about ready to go in after you."} 3.0} -type flavor -delete yes -name {Flavor Text} -edit_name no -parent node20080928132438585629color {255 0 0} blend 30 angle 0 x 770.0 y 858.0 index 0color {102 102 102} blend 30 angle 180 x 1034.0 y 726.0 index 0color {0 255 255} blend 30 angle 90 x 836.0 y 682.0 index 0color {0 255 255} blend 30 angle 0 x 726.0 y 484.0 index 0color {102 102 102} blend 30 angle 270 x 550.0 y 550.0 index 0color {255 255 0} blend 30 angle 180 x 902.0 y 418.0 index 0color {255 255 0} blend 30 angle 90 x 1034.0 y 418.0 index 0color {255 255 0} blend 30 angle 270 x 1034.0 y 264.0 index 0color {255 255 0} blend 30 angle 270 x 946.0 y 242.0 index 0color {255 255 0} blend 30 angle 0 x 528.0 y 836.0 index 0color {255 255 0} blend 30 angle 90 x 638.0 y 726.0 index 0color {255 255 0} blend 30 angle 270 x 418.0 y 726.0 index 0color {255 0 0} blend 30 angle 90 x 858.0 y 858.0 index 0color {255 255 0} blend 30 angle 0 x 528.0 y 726.0 index 0color {255 0 0} blend 30 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angle 0 image 4x 1298.0 y 308.0 value {Area 7 } color #000000 background #ffffff font {{Times New Roman} 24 bold} angle 0 image 5x 792.0 y 330.0 value {Area 3 } color #000000 background #ffffff font {{Times New Roman} 24 bold} angle 0 image 6color {0 0 0} blend 0 angle 90 x 836.0 y 418.0 index 0color {0 0 0} blend 0 angle 90 x 616.0 y 550.0 index 0color {0 0 0} blend 0 angle 90 x 924.0 y 726.0 index 0color {0 0 0} blend 0 angle 0 x 1056.0 y 506.0 index 0color {0 0 0} blend 0 angle 0 x 1298.0 y 352.0 index 0color {0 0 0} blend 0 angle 0 x 660.0 y 374.0 index 0color {0 0 0} blend 0 angle 0 x 528.0 y 638.0 index 0color {0 0 0} blend 0 angle 0 x 968.0 y 660.0 index 0color {0 0 0} blend 0 angle 0 x 1056.0 y 308.0 index 0color {0 0 0} blend 0 angle 0 x 1078.0 y 968.0 index 1color {0 0 0} blend 0 angle 0 x 1034.0 y 968.0 index 1color {0 0 0} blend 0 angle 0 x 1100.0 y 572.0 index 1color {0 0 0} blend 0 angle 0 x 1012.0 y 836.0 index 1color {0 0 0} blend 0 angle 0 x 1100.0 y 748.0 index 1color 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0} blend 0 angle 0 x 1034.0 y 352.0 index 1color {0 255 0} blend 0 angle 0 x 902.0 y 440.0 index 0color {0 0 0} blend 0 angle 0 x 946.0 y 396.0 index 0color {0 0 0} blend 0 angle 0 x 1078.0 y 484.0 index 0color {0 0 0} blend 0 angle 0 x 968.0 y 550.0 index 1color {0 255 0} blend 0 angle 0 x 1298.0 y 484.0 index 1color {0 0 0} blend 0 angle 0 x 990.0 y 264.0 index 0color {0 0 0} blend 0 angle 0 x 946.0 y 220.0 index 0color {0 0 0} blend 0 angle 0 x 506.0 y 660.0 index 1color {0 0 0} blend 0 angle 0 x 594.0 y 528.0 index 0color {0 0 0} blend 0 angle 0 x 682.0 y 264.0 index 1color {0 0 0} blend 0 angle 0 x 836.0 y 704.0 index 1color {0 0 0} blend 0 angle 0 x 1012.0 y 770.0 index 1color {0 0 0} blend 0 angle 0 x 858.0 y 836.0 index 0color {0 0 0} blend 0 angle 0 x 814.0 y 880.0 index 0color {0 0 0} blend 0 angle 0 x 726.0 y 880.0 index 0__M______9@<;?==>=;<=:;;>;<?::>rrrsssr77777666777777766686777887766866666777776666677777666666666666666666697867696666667666 f!0123456*BM6(d%tm m MMM|||hhh 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